10 JUNE 1949, page 2

Britain Adrift ?

General Smuts, with his unique history, his innate wisdom and his ripe experience, stands alone among the statesmen of the Commonwealth, and the views he expressed on Tuesday on......

Progress In Cyrenaica

The British Government's plan for the qualified independence of Cyrenaica has had the mixed reception which was expected. There Is no enthusiasm for it in Italy or in Egypt,......

Heroes Of Labour

It was never really credible that the significance of the dispute on railway enginemen's lodging turns lay entirely on the surface. If it had, then sheer derision might have......

Palestine At Lausanne

Little has been heard of the conference which has been in session at Lausanne for the past month under the auspices of the United Nations Conciliation Commission and which is......

Servants Of America

There comes a point, in these days of growing American partici- pation in world affairs, when the way in which the United States treats its public servants becomes of interest......