Lord Cawdor Vigorously Defended The System Of...
and implied that its opponents were more noisy than numerous. It was, he said, a strange thing that those who had absolute control of the propelling power of the ship should be......
Major Seely, At A Rifle Club Luncheon Last Saturday, Read
a letter from Mr. Haldane declaring that rifle clubs are a part of our military machinery to which "we at the War Office attach much importance, and think that we are likely to......
On Tuesday A Blue-book Was Issued Containing The Report Of
the Departmental Committee on Vagrancy. After examining a very large number of witnesses, the Committee arrive at the conclusion that among casuals, except in a period of......
Lord Harris's Ill-advised Attempt, Made In The Chinese...
in the Lords last week, to discredit the evidence of Mr. Creswell and Mr. Wybergh has had one very satis- factory result. It has elicited a trenchant and convincing letter from......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. Consols (2i Per Cent.) Were
on Friday 90i.......
There Was An Interesting Discussion On Admiralty Policy...
House of Lords on Tuesday. Lord Goschen cordially approved of the numerical redistribution of the Fleet, and the action taken as to the Reserves. But while he admitted that the......
The Statement Of The Voluntary Offerings Of The Church Of
England for the year ending Easter, 1905, just published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge is a very interesting document. The total amount exceeds eight million......