Gib And Gb
Sir: Simon Courtauld writes (Notebook, 25 February) about Gibraltar in a manner which displays total ignorance of the true state of affairs. Firstly the TGWU is the only......
Zambia's Three Points
Sir; my attention has been drawn to Mr ir• AR raterson's article C Jan uar)). You have a long history of high- fair Bankers' ramp,' 21_ class fair journalism but this article is......
Cobbett's Canal
Sir: Is Richard West right (`Chancellor's dilemma', 25 February) in attributing to Cobbett a belief that the Hythe Military Canal was built as a sort of anti-tank ditch? If so,......
Serious Bobsleighing
Sir: I wonder if Mr Simon Courtauld's remarks about bobsleighing in the `Notebook' (18 February) were intended to be taken seriously? If when present at Igls in 1964 he had......
Acting Suspiciously
S. 'Certainly there is no evidence of trade M unions acting for foreign powers' (Charles ooreell rted, and 1 think very likely true, that ( MrPer cent of British trade union......
Holy Family
2 5 Sir: Ferdinand Mount retails (B° ° "bc February) the odd idea of Georges v`itie that the Catholic Church invented sacrament of matrimony in the 12th eel l 0 to get its hands......