Rescuing Hostages
Letters Rescuing hostages Sir: Simon Courtauld, in his Notebook of 19 April. refers to the successful rescue of European hostages, including diplomatic representatives, from......
Gay Battles
Gay battles Sir: Readers may themselves like to reflect on the possible infantile trauma which continues to bite your television critic. I would just like to point out that the......
The Last Enemy
The Last Enemy Sir: Patrick Cosgrave's perceptive and sympathetic review of 11T Lavs Etiwm nv by Richard Hillary (3 May) was surely in error in one important fact. He says that......
The D'estaing Family
The d'Estaing family Sir: With reference to Simon Courtauld's otherwise excellent Notebook ( 12 April), I should like to bring to the attention of your readers a few facts about......
Doing The Lambeth Work
Doing the Lambeth work Sir: Jennifer Monahan's article ('The police and the public', 19 April) may have given a wrong and unfortunate impression of how the Working Party into......
The Role Of Social Work
The role of social work Sir: Mr Pickering, presumably a social worker, asks mc (Letters. 19 April) *why people besiege him with requests to intervene in their lives - to sort......
Bbc Perversity
BBC perversity Sir: Some current decisions and programme timings by top BBC management are so Perverse and in such patent conflict with both viewer/listener interest and the......
Ernest Rhys
Ernest Rhvs Sir: I am preparing a biography of Ernest Percival Rhys (1859-1946). author and. editor of Everyman's Library. and I would be grateful for any information. letters.......