Letters Sound And Fury
Sir: I read Paul Johnson's piece (And another thing, 3 May) on the morning of 2 May and had to smile; so much sound and fury indicating only a burnt-out intellect. He says I am......
All Kitted Out
Sir: I sympathise with Leanda de Lisle's predicament in not being able easily to find suitable cricket trousers for her son at prep school (Country life, 26 April). She might be......
A New Dawn
Sir: Clearly your anxieties about a change of government have unseated your judg- ment. You have printed a piece on racism by Leanda de Lisle (Country life, 3 May) which......
Wagner And Who Else?
Sir: I'm glad Robin Holloway finds Brahms 'great enough to put him up there with the B's, S's and W's' (Arts, 26 April), but apart from Wagner, who are the W's? Have the......
Playing To The Gallery
Sir: With reference to Frederick Forsyth's article ('Impatient with The English Patient', 29 March) and Adrian Scrope's ill-tem- pered reply (Letters, 12 April), no one has yet......
Circle Of Stupidity
Sir: With Living Marxism's endorsement of Neil Hamilton, and your decision to grant space to an appeal by various literati to support the same in a libel action which ITN is......