What Revolution? Revolution?
From Mr Greg Richey Philip Hensher (Books, 26 April) labours under the rather startling delusion that Margaret Atwood is a novelist of remarkable foresight, offering her......
In Thrall To Safety
From Mr Mark Carden Sir: Modern state-sponsored fearfulness does not result just in absurd over-reaction to real problems (Leading article, 3 May), but also in the imposition of......
Help For Heroes
From Brigadier Peter Macdonald (Rtd Sir: When in 2001 I heard that many of the men living on the streets in Bristol were ex-servicemen (Mary Wakefield's article. 'Lions betrayed......
Who's Kidding Whom?
From Mr Neil Clark Sir: What is it about the Russian position on weapons inspections that a man of Mark Steyn's undoubted intellect fails to understand ('Why I nearly resigned',......
Kicking Killers
From Mr David C. Taylor, FRCVS Sir: The giraffe mentioned by Paul Johnson (And another thing, 3 May) which walked the 550 miles from Marseilles to Paris in 1826 was actually a......