10 NOVEMBER 1888, page 14

[to The Editor Of The "spectator.']

SIR, — The experiment we are trying in this parish may have some general interest as bearing upon the subject of religious education in our elementary schools. When I came into......

Elementary Schools And Competition. [to The Editor Of The "

SPECTATOR." J SIR,—The writer of your article on "The Protest against Over-Examination" assumes that "elementary schools are wholly free from any sort of competitive......

Practical And Theoretical Training.

r To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In the Spectator of November 3rd, you say in your "Magazine" article :—" It assumes that education prevents or impairs the ' practical '......

Judaism In Modern Chaistianity.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The letter which you were good enough to insert in the- Spectator on "The New and the Old Theory of Inspiration' has brought me some......