Russia Fifty Years After
Sir: Two comments seem in order on Tibor Szamuely's final article on 'Russia: Fifty Years After' (3 November). Firstly, it seems highly dis- ingenuous of a writer with Mr......
The Prisoners Of St Kitts
LETTERS From James Milnes Gaskell, Patrick Middle- ton, J. Rowland-Jones, Sir Brandon Rhys Williams, E. R. Pocock. Nicolas Walter, Sir Denis Brogan, James Reeves, Christopher......
Roman Scandal
FINANCE—AID JOHN WHITE Expenditure past the S100 million mark and rising at 10 to 15 per cent each year; staff —on w horn most of the money goes—up from 1,700 to 5,300 in ten......
Chess No. 360
PHILIDOR Black White 9 men 9 men E. Rukhlis (1st prize, Sverdlovsk, 1946). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 359 (Loschinski): B –R 5,......