Musical fantasia Sir: 'The chief defect of Master Booker', as Belloc might have written, forsaking rhyme for respectability, 'is being such a silly chap'. Nowhere is this sad......
Friendships In War
Sir: In his Notebook (3 November), Simon Courtauld raises the connection of several Asian leaders in their collaboration with the Japanese army in the last world war. He seems......
The Lucan Affair
Sir: In his Notebook (27 October) Mr Chancellor uses the phrase 'Lady Lucan, whom . . . her husband wanted to murder'. Since Lord Lucan has not merely not been tried but has not......
Sir Barnes Wallis
Sir: With The Times still absent for a little longer, the obituaries in the daily press of Sir Barnes Wallis, who has died at the age of 92, have been rather brief and......
Religion And The Individual
Sir: In his article (27 October) Auberon Waugh asserts that man's relationship to God is an intensely private affair. While this is true as far as the first commandment goes, it......
Pour Mieux Sauter
Sir: I did French at school; I guess most of your readers did. I guess most of them have, like me, since forgotten most of it. Why do you let your contributors clutter up their......