We Resentful Scots
From Mr Bruce Leeming Sir: As we say up here. who stole Tim Luckhurst's scone (`Smack of lunacy', 27 October)? OK, so he doesn't like the Scots, or their temerity in wanting to......
Catch-22 In The Eu
From Mr Robert Sebag-Montefi ore Sir: David Watkins (Letters, 13 October) says that Britain is in a Catch-22, unable to leave the EU without ipso facto annoying the US and......
Going It Alone
From Mr N.H. Mainptice Sir: In his article (With friends like us. . . 27 October) Andrew Roberts says that the end of empire furnished plenty of examples of local movements in......
Writing About Sir Laurens
From Mrs Jane Bedford Sir: J.D.F. Jones, the official biographer of Sir Laurens van der Post, claims in his letter (27 October) that he spent 'countless hours' talking to......