Bread Riots Continue In Paris, And Signs Of Distress...
France are increasing. The exact degree of the pressure it is difficult to learn, as most of those who report upon it speak with a bias. The poet-politician, M. de Lamartine, to......
News Of The Week.
Tax project of a great meeting in Dublin, for the country gen- tlemen of Ireland to consult upon the dearth and its remedies, appears likely to be realized, though not exactly......
Among The Most Extraordinary Phtenomena Exhibited By...
wonderful is recorded in our pages this week. It is proposed to establish an association to promote free trade; and the proposal is thrown out, not in anonymous placards, nor in......
A Suggestion Is Thrown Out In Various Quarters, And...
with growing earnestness, that at this time of dearth, even the shrunken corn-duty left by Sir Robert Peel ought to be abolished. The probable operation of that duty is......