10 OCTOBER 1998, page 34

Letters All At Sea

Sir: In his review of Alan Clark's The Tories (Books, 3 October), John Redwood applauded the author's fondness for the Royal Navy, but is very wide of the mark in his claim that......

A Wise Father?

Sir: John Vincent's reckless disregard of fact in his review of The Political Conse- quences of Edward VII (Books, 3 October) is really shameful. To suggest that Queen Victoria......

Justice For Prussians

Sir: Occasional reports on the dreadful 'ethnic cleansing' of a mere couple of hun- dred Serbs or Slays contrast strangely with the absolute silence about the 50th anniver- sary......

Poetry And Passion

Sir: With all respect to Roger Gard (Let- ters, 3 October), I don't believe that combi- nations of open vowels and spitting noises make great poetry. Phedre (it seems that one......

Military Manoeuvring

Sir: It is a fact that Haig (Letters, 26 September) basked in patriotic popularity during the first world war, which made it more difficult for him to be removed. The battle of......