In The Evening, The Metropolis Was Brilliantly...
was not more distinguished for originality of design than such displays usually are; but what it wanted in value, it made up in quantity, for on no former occasion hate crowns,......
Hariars V. Kemble.—this Long-disputed Case Has Been...
of Lords for several days, and there is yet no appearance of 'its being finished. The judgment is the only point which the public cau feel any interest in. It is stated, that if......
Tee King's Dinner.—the King Entertained A Very Large...
dinner on-Thursday evening. His Majesty made an admirable speech on : the subject of the Coronation, rem a rking, that as it appeared to be the wish of the people that the......
Oinairoars Of Ram City On Tice Refordi Brar..—we...
Week a requisition for a Common Council with a view, under the pre- tence of petitioning. Parliament to preserve entire the rights of- the Li. ' Very of Landon, to offer an......