10 SEPTEMBER 1937, page 3

Dictators And People Any Evidence Of The Existence Of A

vocal public opinion in a dictatorship country is so rare that there may be a danger of attaching exaggerated importance to it. A rather striking telegram from Tokyo in......

Industrial Assurance And The State The Economic Section...

British Association was well justified in devoting an hour or two of its time on Tuesday to the subject of industrial insurance, and in particular the waste the system......

Anti-air Raid Practice For A Week (september 2oth-26th)...

to undergo a complete " black-out " from dusk to dawn. No street lights will be allowed, and all indoors light must be completely obscured. London experienced something like......

* * * * Social Reform And The Churches Mr.

Claud Mullins, the Magistrate at South-Western Police Court, arraigned the Churches before the Modern Churchmen's Union at Cambridge last week as the principal obstacles to......

Science And The Land The British Association's Discussion...

the land of Britain," in which no fewer than six sections (geology, zoology botany, geography, economics, and agriculture) took part, was a remarkable example of creating......

Elderly Generals It Is Generally Agreed That The Strain Of

military commands will be much greater during the next war than it was in the last, owing to the much greater pace of movement in mechan- ised war, and also the constant......

The Road To The East Though The P. And 0.

does not go in for giant speed-ships —and cannot, because they could not navigate the Suez Canal—its record for a hundred years forms, nevertheless, a great chapter in the great......