10 SEPTEMBER 1994, page 27

Tell It Like It Is

THE FIRST guest on Ricupero Live is Ken- neth Clarke, who says: 'My policy this year has been to put my feet up, and it seems to be working rather well. I told Eddie that, but......

Borrowers Anonymous

THE DESTINATION of choice for this weekend is Lindau, where, by a German lakeside, Europe's finance ministers meet for a session of Borrowers Anonymous. At Maastricht they......

Don't Ask Us . . .

ARE YOU worried about your occupation- al pension? Then kindly don't bother the Occupational Pensions Board. Its time is too frequently wasted in this way. A note of......

City And Suburban

On candid camera with Rubens Ricupero the sound-bites are in the can CHRISTOPHER FILDES I have snapped up Rubens Ricupero for my latest venture, City and Suburban Superhighways.......

. . . We Only Work Here

SO WHAT ARE all those pension regula- tors doing up in Newcastle on Tyne? Well, they are certifying that your pension scheme passes the test for contracting out of the state......

Bear Market

MY MILTON Friedman mug has arrived. So has my Hayek T-shirt. It shows the great liberal economist trying to look like Mahat- ma Gandhi. 'Competition', he is saying, 'must be......