Sir,—mr. Hugh Ross Williamson Asks What Proportion Of The...
tion are consistent communicants or regular chapel-goers. For nearly two years before the war we made a detailed study of the churches and church-going, publication of which has......
Letters To The Editor
IS THIS A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY? SIR, — Comments on the opening of Sunday theatres raise the question of what it is that gives the country a duty to call itself "Christian." In one......
Sunday Theatres
SIR,—I suspect that many - persons like myself felt vaguely unhappy at the result of the debate on Sunday theatres in the House ei Commons. In this awful struggle for freedom......
Sla,—mr. Hugh Ross Williamson's Letter Raises The...
the numerical strength of organised Christianity in our land—" 5 per cent?" In another column, not more than one-sixth is suggested. A well-known writer recently mentioned i per......
Sir,—may An Appreciative Reader Of The Spectator Of Some...
years' standing take exception to the tone of your paragraph on the throwing out by the House of Commons of the proposals for Sunday amusement? This passage is distorted by......
Straight News
SIR,—Mr. Wilson Harris raised a vital issue in his plea fa stra i g ht news. Unfortunately his suggestion that the newspaper reader has only to change to another daily to get......