11 APRIL 1952, page 15


The stock of logs we bought before winter is sadly reduced.. They have helped a great deal, and we have used them generously. Next to the smell of burning peat there is nothing......

Vegetable Garden In The Vegetable Garden It Is Time To

think of cauliflower and cabbage for autumn, as well as second-crop peas and the sowing of such things as turnips and beet. If cauliflowers are forgotten, they often do not......

An Egg Thief When I Encountered R. He Was Bemoaning

the fact that his dog had taken a fancy to eggs, robbing nests when he could find them. Eggs are much too valuable to be exposed to such danger, but R.'s poultry live in a sort......

Flower-gathering As Soon As The Snowdrops Are Through,...

of wild flowers are out. The days get a little warmer, and more and more of them are met along the lanes and across the fields. The snowdrop season has passed. The gatherers of......

Country Life

ON the country-bus everyone knows everyone else, and when it is crowded friends converse over the heads of other passengers. At times things become involved. I sat in the bus......