Sir: Matthew Parris, Worried By Present And Future Cost,...
other writers, including a British academic who should know better, in misquoting Prime Minister Wellington, himself none too keen on a Falklands com- mitment. The Duke wrote as......
Cover Charge
Sir: Once upon a time everyone knew what bad taste was; now, someone has to write a priggish letter. Though I fear I am in a minority, I have to dissent strongly from the view......
Letters No Need For A Rethink
Sir: Matthew Parris (Time to think again', 4 April) leans heavily on Dr Johnson in his argument that we should be ready to com- promise the sovereignty of the Falklands. But one......
Jail Fever
Sir: Your worry that the Deirdre Rachid case is a symptom of an increasing confu- sion of reality with virtual reality is needless (Leader, 4 April). What we have started to......
Sir: Try As I May I Cannot See — As
Matthew Parris claims to — that Britain's Falldands policy in 1982 was 'internally inconsistent' in regarding the islanders both as British people residing on British territo-......