Letters London's Pride
Sir: I thought that the way in which otherwise reasonable human beings are regularly reduced to raging lunatics by London traffic is so much part of life's rich pattern that I......
Love Him, Loathe Him
Sir: As the 'very nice and rather extraor- dinary woman from Vienna' with a sense of the absurd and encumbered with the pleasurable task of doing a PhD thesis on Jeffrey Bernard......
Solicitous Solicitors
Sir: It is good to see that at last some one outside the solicitors' profession is con- cerned about the potential problems cre- ated by the Courts and Legal Services Act,......
Scotnat In The Gulf
Sir: Mr J. Enoch Powell's article ('An ill trade wind', 21 July) makes a watertight case for the dismantling of the United Kingdom, and an independent Scotland. Ramsay Manners......
Sir: The Attitude Of The General Secretary Of The Licensed
Taxi Drivers' Association reveals much of the lamentably arrogant outlook of some taxi drivers. He indirectly condones the assault upon me by a London cabbie by disparaging my......