11 JANUARY 1862, page 8


THE BANK OF FRANCE. (By Telegram through M. Reuter's (ffice.) PARIS, Jan. 10. The Noniteur of this morning publishes the usual monthly return of the Bank of France, which shows......

Co End.

Ossomsz, JAN. 4.—The King of the Belgians and Princess Hohen- lohe, and Prince Louis of Hesse, remain at Osborne. JAN. 5.—Divine service was performed this morning by the Rev.......

An American In Manchester.

(From the Manchester Guardian.) THE Boston (United States) Daily Courier publishes a diary penned by Mr. R. Adams, son of the American Minister in London, during a recent visit......


On Christmas-day, at his residence, 11, St. James's-terrace, Regent's Park, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Bunbury, C.B., K.T.S., late of the 80th Regiment, in the 73rd year of his......


Subscriptions to the " FRIEND OF INDIA," and "OVERLAND FRIEND OF INDIA," will be received by Mr. A. E. Galloway, at No. 1, Wellington-street, Strand, London. Terms : Per Annum,......


On the 31st ultimo, at 40, Upper Grosvenor-street, the wife of John Walter, Esq., M.P., of a daughter. On the 8th Inst., at 9, Upper Grosvemor-street, the Viscountess Stormont,......

St. Mary's Hospital, Panrascrrort.—a Donation Of 5001....

to this excellent institution in its hour of need by George Crawshay, Esq. A successful operation performed on one of this gentleman's servants at the hospital, by Mr. lire,......

Money Market

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING. Tam demand for discount continuing moderate, and the news ar- riving that peace will be anamtatr ed with the United States the Bank. of England......

Prices Current.

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 8 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Annuities 1880 Annuities 1885 Ftiday. Friday 934 Bank Stock, 5 pet Cent......