Mr. Stanley, In A Letter To Mr. A. Bruce, Written
on October 15th, 1889, bears the strongest testimony to the reality of the Uganda conversions to Christianity. He says :—" These native Africans have endured the most deadly......
. The Attorney-general, In His Speech At Torquay On Thurs-
day, made a serious mistake in speaking of Mr. Gladstone's unfortunate reserve as to the plan by which he intends to carry out his Home-rule scheme, if he wins the next General......
Bank Rate, 6 Per Cant, New Consols (21) Were On
FT-iciaey 971 to 974.......
Mr. Gladstone Made One Of His Kindly And Pleasant Speeches
to his son's tenants on Thursday at Hawarden, and told them, as we are happy to observe, that Mr. W. H. Gladstone himself might even have been present without any very great act......
Lord Dunraven, Speaking To The Liverpool Conservative...
insisted on the great complication which it would introduce into our relations with our Colonies, if instead of an Imperial Parliament, it became necessary practically to......
On Wednesday Evening, Sir Mountstuart E. Grant-duff...
as President of the Richmond Athenaeum. His subject was the life and writings of the late Matthew Arnold, and he illustrated the inefficiency of our boasted politi- cal......
The Roman Catholic Bishop Of Cork, Dr. O'callaghan,...
a statement that the Mayor of Cork was a Fenian, put the question openly to him whether that was so or not, and expressed great satisfaction on receiving an assurance that it is......
The Accounts Of The Lynching Of Negroes In Barnwell County,
South Carolina, published in the New York Herald, testify to intense feeling between the two races. The white men believed that a series of murders whieh had occurred in the......
Sir Mountstuart Gave A Very Hearty And Just Appreciation To
the beauty of Matthew Arnold's poems, and truly said that it would be by his poems, and not by his prose works, that he would be remembered. It is not saying much to declare, as......