Photographs From The Queen's Book. Forty-two Views. By O. W.
Wilson. (Marion and Co.)—An admirable collection of photographs of Scotch scenery, soft, clear, and well chosen. One of Edinburgh Castle from the Grassmarket is almost perfect,......
The Founders Of Christianity. By The Rev. James...
Cranbrook proposes to account for " the origin of Christianity," of which he announces himself to be an opponent. Accordingly, he gives us in this volume a version of the......
The Medea Of Euripides Literally Translated Into English...
Augusta Webster. (Macmillan.) — It is possible, doubtless, to make a translation at once very close and very attractive. But then the writer should be content to give a day to......
Thoughts Of A Lifetime. By The Author Of Utopia At
Home- (Triibner.)—" Genius," says the author, in his preface, "is the greatest. of all crimes. I have been very, very guilty." This self-accusation is, as far as we are able to......
The Shilling Shakespeare. (rontledge.)—this Is, Probably,...
published, intended, of course, to pay. It might, we fancy, challenge comparison even with the books which the religions societies print at a loss, with the cheap Bibles, for......
Abyssinia And The Galles Country. From The Mss. Of The
late Walter Michele Plowden. (Longman.)—Mr. Plowden's Journals, printed under the care of his brother, Mr. Trevor Michele Plowden, contain an account of his travels in Abyssinia......
The World Before Them. 3 Cols. By Mrs. Moodie....
Moodie reminds us that she is the authoress of Roughing it in the Bush. We had agreeable recollections of this book, and were, we must say very plainly, proportionately......