11 JULY 1885, page 1

News 4 01 1 The Week.

T HE re-elections of Ministers have been completed, and in the few contested cases they have been returned with increased majorities. The only interesting struggle, however, has......

Lord Carnarvon On The Same Night Explained The Imme- Diate

policy of the Government in Ireland. He stated that agrarian crime had greatly diminished, and in its worst form, murder, had become extinct, and that the Crimes Act was at the......

Lord Salisbury Made His Expected Declaration Of Policy On...

He said little of home affairs, beyond declaring that he intended to dissolve at the earliest possible moment, and at first confined himself to foreign policy, stating that he......

Lord Kimberley—who, In Consequence Of The Illness Of Lord...

led the Opposition in the Upper House—accepted Lord Salisbury's assurances as to Russia and Afghanistan, and agreed that, in the loose condition of affairs there, we must rely......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Mr. Bradlaugh Presented Himself On Monday To The House Of

Commons to take the oath, and was stopped by a motion from Sir Michael Hicks-Beach which the new leader of the House rather awkwardly supported by a long speech while Mr.......