10 JULY 1947, page 16

" I Chose Freedom "

SIR,—In your issue of Friday, June 27th, Janus writes in warm terms of Victor Kravchenko's I Chose Freedom, quite naturally, however, adding the proviso that the account it......


SIR,—Not wishing to take undeserved credit for artificial spontaneity, may I assure your radio critic that my sudden arrival from Lapland in the middle of a Nature Parliament......

The 1928 Prayer Book

SIR,—A discussion of Anglican Orders, which is what Mr. Thomson's letter in your issue of June 27th appears to invite, is of course impossible in a letter. An entire issue of......

Eritrea And Ethiopia_

SIR,—Brigadier Longrigg, who has himself been in the British Military Administration in Eritrea until lately, vividly sees the scenes of frustration in the former Italian......

Trends In Design

Stg,—I have been particularly interested to read the correspondence in your columns on the influence of popular art on contemporary industrial design, because, as far as my......

Revenue From Cyprus Sia,—news That The Board Of Inland...

in Whitehall " has arranged " that the unfortunate colonies of Mauritius, Cyprus, Seychelles and others shall have their import duties doubled, without any agreement previously......

" Demoralised Germany "

Stg,—Some figures quoted by me in the article Demoralised Germany which appeared in The Spectator last week may give rise to some mis- apprehension. The nutritional surveys to......