"'arin[u" And "'atatia - N," Or The Revised New Testament.
ere THE EDITOR OF THE "SPE0TATOR.1 Sne,—I do not write on a question of scholarship; on that point I am no authority. But it seems to me that the determination to do without......
The Revised Version In Churches.
rye TIM EDITOR OF rue " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Are you not a little peremptory in ruling that " if the Revised Version be adopted for public reading in our churches, it must receive......
Letters To The Editor.
VIVISECTION. [To THE EDITOR OP Tall "SPECTATOR.") STE, — Mr. Romanes says that the "exaggerations of which he complains, as used by the agitators" (against Vivisection), " con-......
[to Me Editor Of The "speotator.1 Sir,—if I May Be
allowed a few lines in reply to your editorial note on my letter, I should like to observe that you are mis- taken in supposing that I would no more consent to endure one of Dr.......