The German Papers Have Reproduced A Characteristic Con-...
the Kaiser and a Prussian Lutheran pastor on the Bible. In the course of his remarks the Kaiser is reported to have observed that he read the Bible often and with pleasure. "A......
Though The Conclusion Was Foregone, The Finnish Debate In...
Duma on Saturday last was marked by some effective protests from thechampions of Constitutionalism. Thus MM. Maklakoff and Efremoff pointed out that all the arguments invoked by......
Turkish Feeling On The Cretan Question Is Growing...
more indignant., although we cannot discover that it is justified by any new or sinister turn of events. The Powers have sent a Note to the Cretan Government in which it is......
In Other Words, He Bids His Friends Remember That Even
if a compromise should " break out," the Nationalists have the power to upset it. We doubt it. We believe that if the leaders do arrive at a compromise the public opinion of......
The Correspondent In Albania Tells Us That The Younger...
officers do not admit that they are engaged in a war at all. They regard the insurrection as the very opportunity they need for training their troops in order that they may......
The Special Correspondent Of The Times, Telegraphing From...
Monday, said that the insurrection was officially announced to be at an end. He thinks the announcement prematuie. The insurgents are still in possession of important positions......
The Official Attitude Of The - Vatican In Regard To The
much-dis- cussed Encyclical attacking Protestants is probably revealed in an interview with an anonymous prelate in the Giornale cr Italia. This cleric expresses amazement that......