11 MARCH 1893, page 1

The Government Are Making Great Efforts To " Rush "

the Home-rule Bill through its second reading before the Easter holidays They are not anxious for much discussion of the measure in the electoral districts, and, besides, want......

A Meeting Of The Conservative Party, Called By Lord Solis-

bury, was held on Wednesday in the great room of the Carlton Club. It was largely attended, Mr. Goschen, among others, being present, a formal evidence of his adhesion to that......

News Of The Week.

T HE new American President, Mr. Cleveland, took the oath on March 4th, in front of the Capitol, Washington, in presence of a splendid gathering of notabilities, and de- livered......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


The German Military Bill Is Not Passed Yet, But There

are signs that it will be accepted. The Deputies of the Centre refuse to declare themselves, and a section of the National Liberals, led by Major Hinze, decline to take the......

The Trial Of The Panama Directors For Bribing Deputies And

of Deputies for being bribed, opened on Wednesday, but is, of course, not yet finished. M. Baihaut, former Minister, has confessed ; and M. Sans-Leroy, ex-Chairman of the......