In Lord Maugham The House Of Lords Gets The Most
exclusively legal Lord Chancellor it has had, I should think, since the days of Lord Cranworth, before the Crimean War. The least political appointment was Lord Sankey's in......
The Death Of A Fox Was Recently Described In Detail
by the Press for the benefit of the public, in connexion with an incident which took place in Essex. Another incident described in equal detail at Darlington on Monday, when the......
What I Wrote Last Week About The Olympic Games Of
1940, due to be held in Tokyo, gains some interest in the light of discussions on the subject which have taken place since in the Japanese Diet. The Army seems to have declared......
A Spectator's Notebook
V ERY few people, I think, believe a European War is near. Many believe it can be permanently averted. But, as Monday's debate on the defence programme brought home to everyone,......
The B.b.c., Getting Only Two-thirds Of The Licence-money...
eight million odd subscribers, complains of its poverty ; and considering what its commitments are I daresay it is right. But I wish, all the same, it would consider seriously......
The Indiscriminate Incrimination Of British Subjects In...
is more entertaining than disturbing (if " entertaining " is a word to be used at all in connexion with proceedings so repellent). Anyone may clearly at any moment be cited as......
Herr Hitler And The Press In Recent Weeks Herr Hitler
has twice insisted that one of the few obstacles to Anglo-German understanding is the mischievous, if not criminal, behaviour of the British Press. In his view, indeed, the......