We Have Received The Sixth Annual Publication Of The...
Register and Stock - Exchange Circular for 1878, edited by E. C. Maddi- SOn (Effingham and Wilson); a new edition of Murray's Handbook of Travel - Talk ; Tourist's Guide to......
So Young, My Lord, And True. By Charles Quentin. 3
vols. (Tinsley Brothers.)—This is a well-written novel, showing not a little literary ability, but of the melancholy character which it requires genius to make other than......
There Have Always Been Published At Least As Many Books
of travel as the public wanted, and just now, when men's eyes are fixed on the East, we bare, perhaps, a trifle more. Every one who has gone as far as the further end of the......
Of Magazines For May, We Have Received The University...
the Gentleman's Magazine, to which Mr. George Augustus Sala contributes an article on the late George Cruikshank, Mr. Wedmore one on "Restoration Comedy and Mr. Irving," and Mr.......
A French Heiress In Her Own Chviteau. By The Author
of "One Only." (Sampson Low and Co.)—It is a happy combination for a novelist when she can bring into contact, or it may be opposition, the French and the English systems of......