The Jesuits.
TO 'ME EDITOR OF TILE SPECTATOR. Edinburgh, 7th November 1848. Sin—I am much pleased with your sensible critique on the lying work of the Abbate Leone, in this last week's......
"sabbath Impieties."
TO TILE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sue—Your correspondent " J. S. H.," who puts himself forward in defence of the Scotch Central Railway Company, for their regulations in general,......
The Satyr And The Traveller Again.
IT is scarcely possible that any of our unbiassed readers can have perused our recent notices of Irish politics,—for instance, our paper on "The Mistake of the Irish......
Topics Of The D
PEACE. A NATURAL alarm is felt by peaceful politicians at iliet ditlithr that Peace runs of being made unpopular and contemmed by be- coming a cant—the fashion of a season or......