The "poltergeist."
LTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the article on the "Poltergeist," in the Spectator of October 28th, it is said that the noises must cause vibrations in the air. But......
CHARLES LAMB'S PLAYS AND DRAMATIC ESSAYS.. Tars little book, one of the so-called "Scott Library," con- tains Charles Lamb's four published plays, and some of his dramatic......
Mr. Davis's " Agricola."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " BrEorAxon.") SIR,—May I correct a slight misapprehension on the part of your reviewer, in his notice of my edition of the "Agricola," in the Spectator of......
BORN DUMB. MY little love ! my little speechless ! Can I forget my woman's heart, and be For ever mute to grief, for ever mild Is it not hard to bear the falling rod When such......