11 NOVEMBER 1922, page 26

In A Leading Article We Have Considered Mr. Lloyd George's

moving account of his " little place down in Surrey," Those, however, who wish to be reassured as to whether " the little place " is really comfort- able enough for the......

We Must Remember Also That Evacuation, If Properly...

need not necessarily mean any of the things which interested people threaten us with. Take, for example, Palestine. There is no reason why, if we retire from the Mandate, as we......

Lord Curzon, Speaking On Wednesday Afternoon, Dealt...

affairs. Mr. Lloyd George had Lord Curzon, speaking on Wednesday afternoon, dealt chiefly with foreign affairs. Mr. Lloyd George had exercised in foreign affairs an unusual and......

We Are Very Glad To See That The Daily Express

main- tains its vehement, but perfectly well justified, campaign against our remaining any longer in Palestine and Mesopo- tamia. It is quite right for Mr. Bonar Law not to......

The Labour Party, Not Content With Having Under- Taken A

general attack upon private enterprise and with advocating the Capital Levy in its worst form, has driven another nail into its own coffin. Incredible as it may seem, it has......

We Have Dealt With Mr. Lloyd George's Speech At Newcastle

elsewhere, and have noted the amazingly idyllic mood he adopted. Here we must mention an even more astonishing development. The voice from under the Gampish umbrella, vice the......

We Publish Elsewhere An Article Of Special Interest On The

bloodless revolution which has just been accom- plished in Italy. The writer, Sir Pennell Rodd, our late Ambassador, not only knows Italy and Italian politics better than any......