Britain And The United Nations
Sm,—Your leading article 'Britain and the UN' (November 4) begs a number of important questions, but I should like to comment in particular on your statement : The General......
Dr Balogh And The Third World
X l Dram From: Lord Campbell of Eskan, W. M. G. Brown, F. R. Finston, Nicholas Davenport, Peter Kellner, Arthur Barton, M. A. Cooper, R. T. F. Turrall- Clarke, Rev. Walter......
Living Below The Line
SIR, —May I thank Tony Lynes for his helpful letter about child poverty and for the extra information he has since sent me. And I would also like to thank the anonymous person......
The War For Jenkins' Ear
was surprised and horrified by the article The War for Jenkins' Ear' (November 4). One does not realise the exceedingly bad conditions in which prisoners are kept in our......
Sir,— I Should Like To Compliment You On The Review
by Professor Bauer. As well as being enjoyable read- ing, it is indeed refreshing to see lucidly expressed, a review based on factual appraisal of circumstances as they are. The......
The State Muddle In Films
SIR,—Fantasy-making is the prerogative of the film producer but when the Boulting brothers (Letters, November 4) see themselves—and other producers— as reincarnated Francis......
Sis,—`the War For Jenkins' Ear,' Written By A Prisoner, Was
refreshingly practical on a subject so often limited within the academic argument whether a prison sentence is concerned with retribution or reform. If the sentence in most......
Sta,—professor Bauer's Review Of The Economics Of Poverty...
impressive, but so closely reasoned that one wonders if it should not be expandzd into a book of its own. Obviously, Dr Balogh's views are doctrine at the UN, since the majority......