Political Fog
THE expression 'comparative government' hl settled itself like a blight upon the academic stuc of politics. Professors have written huge bool with this expression as their......
Country Life
By IAN NIALL FLoon water and near-drought don't follow one another quite as closely as the rain cloud seems to follow the sun these days but, in my part of the world, where......
Chalk In Hand
A BLURB which starts off, 'Like Herodotus, who travelled on the northern coast of Africa over 2,000 years ago, Mr. Carrington is an excellent observer and a man of insatiable......
New Novels
The Languages of Love. By Christine Brooke- Rose. (Seeker and Warburg, 15s.) CHRISI INE BROOKE-ROSE'S first novel, The Lan- guages of Love, has a smart, 'contemporary,' slightly......
Little Tigers
Is there anything more wild than the first litter born to a farmyard cat? They scamper for shelter at the slightest alarm, and glare from cover with the jungle light in their......