11 SEPTEMBER 1858, page 21


PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 7. .Bankrupts.-Ssmrst, 8IDDE21, Millbank Street, contractor for public works- M 'WAX Lacasom, Worcester, fishmonger-JAmm Bnowx, Alcester,......

Prices Current.

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Pricea) Saturd. Monday. rucaday. Waxes. Thurs. Friday. 100r Cent Consols 96f 9511 sr; 971 979 961 Ditto for Account Stil 961 - 971 971 97.1 aper Cents......


FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 7. WAR-OFFICE, Pall Mall, Sept. 7.—Cavalry-2d Regt. of Drag. Guards—Comet F. Greatorex, from the 15th Light Drags. to be Cornet, vice Thomas......