As We Expected, The Lords Were Contented With The Commons'
amendments to the Burials Bill, and on Friday week the Bill passed, the Bishop of Lincoln, a bitter opponent of the measure, winding up the debate in a speech of much dignity,......
Of Course There Was A Storm. From The Deliberate Earnest-
ness of the speaker, and the fact that the Home Secretary and Mr. Bright had also attacked, the Lords, it was at first thought that the words indicated. a resolution of the......
The European Fleet, Under The Command Of Admiral Seymour,...
be by Monday collected at Ragusa,—where, indeed, all the steamers, except the French, are already at anchor. England, Ger- many, Austria, Russia, France, and Italy will all be......
The Commons On Friday Week Agreed To The Lords' Amend-
ments in the Ground-Game Bill, with one complete and one partial exception. The Lords, with a curious, and we confess, to us unintelligible contempt for their tenants' right to......
Lord Sandon, On Saturday, Made A Speech To The Conserva-
tives of Chester, which was one series of charges against the Government. They had encouraged the admission to Parlia- ment of a man who had " lifted high the flag of atheism......
The Session Was Not To End Without One More "
scene" in the Commons, which was not altogether an injurious one, as it made "scenes " not a little ridiculous. Mr. Callan, on Friday night, pro- fessing to wish to know......
Mr. Gladstone Reappeared In His Place In Parliament On...
amid a tempest of welcome, just in time to set down Mr. Cowen, Mr. Balfour, Mr. Ashmead-Bartlett, and the rest who, under different disguises, are afraid that the Government......