Writing English.*
AT first sight it would seem to be a somewhat vain under- taking to attempt to teach by any rules or maxims the art of writing English. Though not altogether agreeing with this......
Current Literature.
The Public Man : his Duties, Powers, and Privileges, and How to Exercise Them. By James Tayler. (Effingham Wilson.)—This is a small volume intended for any one who may be......
A Register Of The Members Of St. Mary Magdalen College,
Oxford. Vol. II., Fellows, 1522-1575. By William Dunn Macray. (H. Frowde.)—Mr. Macray's volume consists of two parts, (1) Extracts, illustrative of the history of the College,......
Spanish Protestants In The Sixteenth Century. Compiled...
of C. A. Wilkens, Doctor of Theology and Philosophy, by Rachel Challice. With an Introduction by the late most Reverend Lord Plunket, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin, and Preface by......
Journeys Among The Gentle Japs In The Summer Of 1895.
By the Rev. J. Ll. Thomas, M.A. (Sampson Low and Co.)—It may be doubted whether any contrast can be greater than that between the Japan so vividly described by Sir Rutherford......