11 SEPTEMBER 1999, page 31

Ruritanian Revolution

From Dr Ian Olson Sir: Paul Johnson should not assume that his proposed countryside rebellion would LETTERS have found much sympathy in Ruritania (And another thing, 4......

Confident In Their Ignorance

From Mr Tom Burkard, Secretary, The Promethean Trust Sir: Yet another complacent teacher (Let- ters, 4 September) writes to defend a school system which leaves more than a......

From Brigadier (retd) N.h. Cocking Sir: Regrettably I...

enjoyed the hospitality of the Hambros, but I am confi- dent that none of their guests, however well behaved, would say, 'Oh, thank you ever so much.' More common than he knew!......

Deconstructing Wiliam From Christina M. Brodie Sir: I...

anyone to read The Water Babies or Just William for themselves and ignore Philip Hensher's comments about 'coprophilia' and 'sexual obsession' — which are, among other things,......

Two Types Of Robber Baron

From Mr Claus von Billow Sir: Your leading article on 4 September, Russian roulette', expresses the hope that Russian robber barons will one day give way 'as happened in the......

Bile From A Stone

From Mr J.H. Carr Sir: Any person reading Norman Stone's review of The Vices of Integrity, a biography of E.H. Carr by Jonathan Haslam, must be left marvelling at how proudly......

Ever So Common

From Mr Philip E. Roe Sir: Taki writes (High life, 28 August) that the behaviour of Neil Kinnock and his wife would have made his female friend 'die of shame if she had been......