Although The Revenue Accounts For The Year And Quarter Do
not display quite such a serried array of " increases " as those issued at the beginning of the year, they indicate a satisfactorypro- gress : the grand totals are all that......
Civil War And Bloodshed Have Visited Switzerland. A Large...
of fanatics have attacked the city of Lucerne, because the assailants differed with the local Government of that Canton as to the expediency of appointing seven Jesuits to be......
Debates Anb Iproceebings In Varliament.
MAXMOOTH COLLEGE. In the House of Commons, on Thursday, some conversation arose on the procedure in respect to the Maynooth grant. Sir Cusamas NAPIER had observed the absence of......
The Intelligence From The United States Is Scanty Enough....
relations with Mexico were all in disorder, in consequence of the in- tended annexation of Texas. President Polk had selected a Cabi- net described as somewhat Ultra-Democratic.......
The Lords Have Been Conversing On The Dangerous Extent Of
the railway speculation, and the extravagant powers given by Par- liament to the speculators. It seems that some hundred and forty millions sterling would be needed, in two or......