A Spectator's Notebook
THE DAYS are past when editors permitted their more egregious columnists to announce in August that simply nobody was left in London. But it is a fact, now that most of the......
Political Commentary
BY HENRY FAIRLIE s OME attention must be given to the persistent stories which are now circulating in London tha't Sir Anthony Eden is worried about the way in which the Geneva......
I Was Glad To See An Announcement After The Spectator
had gone to press last week that William Leighton had been re- prieved. But I still find it disturbing that a man who has been found by a jury unfit to plead should two years......
Eisenhower Intelligence
`NOTHING GUIDES Russian policy so much as a desire for friendship with the United States.'—General Eisenhower, November, 1945. 'IN THE PAST [i.e., before 1945] relations of......
Alderman Stringer Is In The News, Again. He Is The
Socialist leader of Coventry Council which last year refused to run Coventry's Civil Defence—a refusal which naturally pleased the Russians, who royally entertained Mr. Stringer......