12 DECEMBER 1846, page 2

The Jamaica Papers Report A Growing Movement To Obtain Com-

pensation from the British Parliament for the withdrawal of the protective Sugar-duties; and there is even a talk of forming a " league " for the purpose. The West Indians merit......

Some Doubt Has Been Thrown Upon The Original Report As

to the drift of M. Guizot's protest against the annexation of Cracow. Guizot was described as having said that that violation of the treaty released France from her obligations......

Lebt Filttropotis.

The Court of Common Council has recently been engaged in discussing with closed doors a bill relating to the qualification of freemen. In 1710, the Court of Aldermen made an......

News Of The Week.

IT is not to be denied that the prospect for Ireland has of late grown more and more appalling. There is no principle of healthy action in that country : what is meant for food......

Ebt Frourt.

Snits the return from Arundel, the Queen and Prince Albert have been enjoying the retirement of Osborne House. On Sunday, they attended divine service at Whippingham Church.......

Spain Presents Some Strange Incidents. There Has Been A...

crisis, over in a day. The Spanish Procureur du Roi, complying with a form, asked leave of absence from official duties to look after his election as a Deputy ; he was a......