Foreign Masters And Private Schools. [to The Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR. " ] Sts,—Your article on "The German Teacher in England" (De- cember 29th), dealing as it does so largely with Private Schools in general, calls for some reply, and......
Lord Coleridge On Ecclesiastical Courts. Tto The Editor...
1. SPECTATOR. "] Sta,—While Lord Coleridge's paper is fresh in the memory of your readers, may I call attention to the weak link in his chain of reasoning P There is an old......
The Irish Franchise.
rTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Stn,—In your note to my letter of the 28th ult., on one of Mr. Plunket's arguments against the reduction of the Irish Franchise, you say......
The Committee On Irish Affairs.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] am reminded by a paragraph in the Spectator of the 5th inst. that a Committee has been formed for keeping the English public well informed......
The Disendowment Of The City Guilds.
LTo THE SD/TOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—I agree with every word of your articl, of the 29th ult. on the City Guilds Commission. Their pros arty is public pro- perty, and must......