Sut,—i Also Was Astonished By The Injection Into The B.b.c.
Athens news of the comment, which it is very difficult ro believe originated at Broad- casting House. If a question is not asked in the House on the subject, we are likely to......
P.m. And O.m.
Sm,—I read with interest the suggestion made by " Janus " in your issue of December 29th that the Prime Minister should be given the Order of Merit, but at the same time I am......
B.b.c. News And Comment
Sin,—" Janus" censure of the B.B.C.'s adulteration of their " News" with their political " Views " is both timely and well merited. This flagrant abuse of the Corporation's......
The Palestine Mandate
Eustace Gordon writes: " The Jew says, logically enough, that, under the mandate, Britain assumed the obligation of making the establishment of a Jewish National Home in......
National Health Service Scheme
Sm,—In The Spectator for December 15th " Janus " states " there is no evidence that the patients as a whole, meaning the voters of the country, are in the least opposed to the......
Sm,—the Letter On " Dental Ill-health " By Your...
John Porter in your issue of December 29th reminded me of a conversation with a German army officer some 3o odd years ago. I had seen soldiers carrying loaves of very dark......
Sm,—" Another Captain " Says The Average Soldier's...
the B.B.C. and the newspapers cannot be questioned. It can. I question it very much after many close contacts with the troops, including a visit to fronts in Belgium and......
Dental Ill-health
Stir,—The letter in your issue of December 29th appeared at a very timely moment with the recent announcement by the Minister of Food that bread is to be still whiter. The......