Mirrors Up To Art
SIR, — Dr Leavis is entitled to express strong views as to what is and is not worth studying in literature, but not to suggest (using words like `truly,' really,' `essential')......
Committee of 100-plus In Ferment Mirrors up to Art Advertising Authority Comas in the Congo Malta Preserved Down Coronation Street Vinous Questions Dr. Kenneth D. The Fellowship......
Advertising Authority
SIR, —To impose controls on advertising seems to me to be closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. Surely the really fundamental issue is one of product control......
Sir,—mr. Desmond Stewart Is In Error When He States That
the four French officials awaiting trial in Cairo do not enjoy diplomatic privilege. In execution of the Zurich agreement of April 22, 1959, and of a letter to the Swiss......
3 M,— Bernard Levin Chooses, Either Ingenuously Or...
the simple fact that no one :onnected with any 'Committee of 100 is responsible for what anyone else connected with any Committee lays or does. The central Committee of 100 has......
Comus In The Congo
SIR,—When Dr. Conor Cruise O'Brien in his 'time o f crisis' turned to Milton, would it not have been better, instead of drawing analogies with Comus, t o have seen himself as......