12 JANUARY 1974, page 21

The National Health

William Sargant Ritual in Industrial Society. A Sociolog ic analysis of ritualism in modern Engl a % Robert Bocock. (George Allen and VIV I-. £4.00). This may or may not be a......

Graves Of Academe

Angus Wilson 'Wild Thyme, Winter Lightning Anne Mulkeen (Hamish Hamilton £3.00) Miss Mulkeen's book is subtitled 'The Symbolic Novels of L. P. Hartley '. It is, as the......

Around The World

Kay Dick Sir Horace Rumbold: Porkait of a Diplomat Martin Gilbert (Heinemann £8.00) Horace Monta g ue Rumbold, ninth Baronet (1869-1941), the subject of Martin Gilbert's......