Wesleyan Conference In Plymouth. [to Ter Editor Op The "si
SCLIITOR.'] SIR,—The 170th "Yearly Conference of the people celled Methodists, in the connexion established by the late Rev. John Wesley, A.M."—for so runs the legal title of......
The Future Of The Classics.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."3 Sin, — Your contributor "C.," writing in your issue of July 5th, deserves all our gratitude for his defence of classical teaching in......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir,—as A...
a father I desire to thank you for " C.'s " essay on" The Future of the Classics" in your last issue. I do not want to go over the old ground, so I will not contest the point of......
Sir John Hewett.
[TO THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOIt."] Sin,--Together, I feel sure, with all who have served with him, I cannot but feel disgusted with the savage attack recently made in the......