12 JUNE 1880, page 3

A Lively Discussion Came On In The House Of Commons

on Tues- day night on a motion by Mr. O'Shaughnessy in favour of dele- gating to the Irish Law Officers the responsibility for some of the too numerous departments now......

Lord Carnarvon On Friday Week Brought Forward, The...

compulsory insurance against old age and sickness. His idea, which on this point is, we believe, original, is that every man should insure himself before he reaches manhood, by......

It Seems Impossible To Induce Governments To Do Ordinary...

like other people. If a Minister ever understood "business," he was the late First Lord of the Admiralty, who remains among his bestarred colleagues still "Mr. Smith," yet on......

Consols Were On Friday 98 To 98k, Ex. Et.


The New Parliament Will Not Grant Female Suffrage, But It

is 'evidently favourable to women's rights. On Wednesday, Mr. Hinde Palmer carried the second reading of his "Married Women's Property Acts Consolidation Bill," without a......

The Election Petition Against The Return Of The Baron De

Ferrieres, the Liberal Member for Cheltenham, was withdrawn yesterday week, by the consent of the petitioners, on the ground that - there was no evidence for the petition, in......

Mr. Pease On Friday Week Raised The Annual Debate On

the opium monopoly, and Lord Hartington made his first speech upon it. It was not a very prudent one, for he spoke of his opponents as advocating a "cheap morality," and so......

Mr. Dillwyn Has Introduced A Much-needed Wild Birds' Pro-...

Law Amendment Bill, in which he is supported by Sir John Lubbock and Mr. James Howard. At present, there are only certain selected wild birds which are protected during......