12 JUNE 1926, page 38

, The Connoisseur And Other Stories. By Walter De In

ilare. (Collins. 10s. 6d. net.)—Poets' prose is always stimulating and never more so than in the case of Mr. Walter de In Mare's scrupulously worded stories. The world of his......


The Silver Stallion. By James Branch Cabell. (The 13odley Head. 7s. fki. net.)—Those who recall with pleasure Mr. Cabell's Jurgen will be enchanted to learn in The Silver......

The Green Lacquer Pavilion. By Helen Beauclerk• (collins....

bound and printed book; with illustrations by Mr. Edmond Dulac, which tells in gra.; ciously ornate style of what befell the members of an eighteenth= dentury country house......

On America " Hisronv Should Be A Resurrection," Wrote...

In Our Times, Mr. Mark Sullivan has revived old memories and presented a _breathless - review of the hurried years in America since the turn of the century—" a period......

Some Cricketing Books

Oxford and Cambridge at the Wicket. By P. F. Warner and F. S. Ashley Cooper. (Allen and Unwin. 58.) Some Cover Shots. By F. J. Chapple. (Cape. 2s. 6d.) M. CATTONT has been- for......