The South African Franchise .
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] S►a,--The Duke of Montrose has added to his error regarding Lord Selborne's views, which I corrected in your issue of May 22nd, a much more......
Further Budget Inquiry Problems [to The Editor Of The...
SIII,—The Budget Inquiry Tribunal has found that Mr. Thomas disclosed inforMation as to new taxes to Mr. Bates and Sir Alfred Butt before their proper announcement by the......
Sir,—your Correspondent, Mr. I. Nakhleh, Still Writes...
dangers threatening the Arabs of Palestine as a result Of Jewish immigration," although he does not and cannot disprove the following facts : (a) that since the beginning of the......
Pacifism And Rearmament [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...
accept the correction of " Your Parliamentary Correspondent " and tender apologies for misreading him ; but he does not come to grips with the main point of my letter. Pacifists......