12 JUNE 1976, page 15

Honour Bright

Sir: Cannot Hugh Trevor-Roper, quoting Weber with approval on the distinction be tween worthwhile capitalists and 'Jewish a dventurer capitalists', see that, in the con: text of......

The Post •

Sir: The price of bread has gone up; of meat has gone up; of milk has gone up; of transport has gone up. The list is, of course, in the present context, endless. But the cost of......


Sir: In your leader of 29 May You write: 'Once a currency is floating its fate is in the hands of literally thousands of currency dealers the world over: the object of their......

'levering' Up

Sir: Having whole-heartedly applauded your doughty appeal, in face of the sinking pound, that 'Next time we will not—we cannot—be rescued by loyal and kindly friends: if we are......

Greene Guile Sir: I Was Most Interested In Mr Graham

Greene's plan to clobber the Post Office, and am endeavouring to put it into effect. Unfortunately,! am finding great difficulty in following his advice to 'post one letter a......